
Showing posts from November, 2019

bila dah ada nanti

hello tadi aku terplay lagu bunga by masdo sweet sia lagu tu kahkah mungkin tengah kena dengan mood aku kot sekarang biasa kalau mood aku tak match dengan lagu tu aku skip je kahkah tapi ni la tetiba terberangan bila aku dah ada boyfriend nanti aku harap dia rakam aku pastu letak lagu ni sebagai bgm hahahahahahaahah😅😳 tu la lagi 30 tahun kot rasanya bye xoxo


hello this is just a random thought. I think i really need a boyfriend so I can talk to him when I have some random jokes. obviously a bad jokes maybe hahaha. because it is weird if I suddenly texting my friends to tell them about my random bad jokes haha. they will be like "why tho you suddenly telling me this." because of course with your boyfriend you will tell every detail about your day. in my still-not-mature mind think boyfriends always layan what their girlfriends tell them, right? ok tu je tak desperate pun kahkah cuma perlu orang untuk beritahu random jokes. sebab serius jokes aku semua random gila. benda random pada tempat dan masa yang random. aku pun pelik wei hahaha. tapi i know im not ready to commit in relationship. peace. bye xoxo