
Showing posts from October, 2019

politic = friendship ????

hello some says in politics there is no nice people. on election picks the less evil they say politics are always dirty  thats why you must choose the less evil i thinks it also correlates to friendship in friendship tipu la kalau kawan kita tu tak pernah terasa atau buat kita terasa tapi kalau kita nak isolate/ tinggalkan kawan yang buat kita terasa siapa je yang tinggal, kan? i thinks we also must pick the less evil among our friends avoid the rude one but the rude ones always not notice that they are rude just because they have supporters (read: close friends that always back up them and felt what the-rude-one do to them is ok when there is time obviously the-rude-one is only using them and pijak mereka) *panjang pula description en hahaha but when people react to their actions the act like acah acah idgaf macam "kau yang tak matang asyik sensitif 24jam apa le" haa gitu la but they never notices that avoid the selfish one isnt it strange even...

the saddest thing

hello isnt it sad the one who told you "you can tell anything to me." but then when you want to tell them about your even more sad when you are expressing your sad feeling, they mempertikaikan why you feel sad. it just definitely not the right way to comfort sad people. idk maybe you know they felt offended to you thats why you mempertikaikan mereka sedih. isnt it sad when you try to know them well, cuba untuk rapat, berborak dan bermesra tapi dorang macam endah tak endah. bila ajak berborak then kau macam saja randomly tembak je untuk cari persamaan dan mereka macam menidakkan dalam cara yang "eh kau bukan kenal aku pun takyah la nak try hard nau." sambil gelak sinis. pernah terfikir tak macam mana orang nak berkawan dengan kita, tapi kita yang sebenarnya yang tutup peluang tu. aku rasa kita semua pun takde la 100% suka kawan kita tapi kalau dah bersama cuba la layan je berborak. cuba bayangkan kalau kita dah memang tak suka me...

why i am feeling worries?

hello idk lately i just feel very very lonely. not that lonely-i-need-a-boyfriend-now kind of feeling. idk i just want someone that i can talk about how my days are, what's happening, hilarious stories etc. this week my health is not good. i vomit and had mild diarrhea. lepas muntah dan cirit birit then bahagian sendi-sendi aku macam sakit-sakit doh. rasa dia sama lebih kurang macam sakit sendi yang aku rasa masa aku dengi dulu. serius risau sebab orang kata kalau kena denggi kali kedua biasanya teruk sikit. idk i have a mixed feeling if its bad maybe it the opportunity for me to run from this world i think. why i rasa takut instead of happy. yeah, it sounds like a depressed person with depression, right?  idk. why am i living in this world if im not happy, if people around me dont treat me right, if my friends dont even care for me but just their business (?) isnt it a good opportunity? ugh. bye xoxo

tunggu 4 tahun

hello. dulu lepas spm aku search la kdrama apa yang best. aku jumpa la satu ni "Oh My Venus". yang heroin dia Shin Min Ah. pastu baca review semua kata kelakar la semua. aku pun macam biasa search la dekat telegram sebab nak download sekali semua yang ada kat telegram yang soft sub takde yang hardsub. soft sub maksudnya file subtitle dengan video asing-asing. aku tak suka sangat sebab macam semak dan nampak macam banyak barang tau. jadi aku tak download la. kat website pun aku tak download sebab apa entah aku tak ingat aku rasa sebab sama lebih kurang hahhahah. jadi aku tak tengok la. kat online pun aku tak tengok sebab wifi rumah aku lembab nak mapus jadi aku rasa aku sempat mengemop satu rumah kalau nak tunggu wifi tu load online drama hahahah. tapi lepas masuk universiti kalau aku nampak kawan-kawan yang download banyak drama ada juga tanya ada tak OMV dorang kata takde pastu lagi lama la aku tangguh hahaha sampai la tahun lepas kot ada kawan aku sorang ni ada pastu aku ...

sebab sebenar

hello. sebenarnya aku tiba-tiba start blogging balik sebab tetiba masa tu rasa macam nak buat puisi. i means macam nak try try buat puisi la kononnya. sebab macam best doh. aku suka baca cara penulisan puisi tapi aku suka puisi yang biasa-biasa yang tak terlalu deep nau. tapi tu la tak cukup kreatif untuk berpuisi. mungkin kalau mampu pun puisi yang random yang bodoh-bodoh je cemtu. second, sebab i dont have anyone to talk too. jadi apa-apa yang aku rasa nak cerita atau cakap aku fikir nak write in my blog je so this it is. sebab kalau nak cerita kat kawan kekadang dorang pun busy nak catch up dengan urusan life dorang lagi. and keadang masa tu la dorang takde mood nak dengar cerita kita ha ha ha. so this it is. bye xoxo

permulaan mungkin

hello. aku rasa dalam semua semester yang aku telah lalui semester 5 paling perit la rasanay. sem 5 ni la dah tahu semua punya perangai. perangai yang sebetul-betulnya. ye, aku rasa aku pun jahat juga kadang-kadang bila aku dah tak tahan orang tak bagi kerjasama and aku react secara kasar la juga. then, aku menyesal dan serba salah sebab react macam tu. serious wei aku serius bukan seorang yang lembut. dan mungkin orang yang jenis ikut perasaan. lepastu serba salah. tak tahu la aku sentiasa berazam untuk cuba tak react secara kasar on that time. tapi selalu gagal. aku serius adore dengan orang yang masih boleh melayani orang lain dengan baik walaupun aku sendiri pernah tengok dorang disakiti. dalam kata ringkasnya, orang tu penyabar la huhu. aku serius berazam walaupun orang suruh aku buat itu ini walaupun dia tak buat sekali aku malas dah nak melawan-lawan ke apa. tapi tu la hahah selalu terkandas. tapi la setiap minggu kena try hard cuba juga. tak tahu la mesti macam pe...


hello life has been miserable for these past few weeks. I, we, you were emotionally unstable. but the one thing we must not to forget is everyone has feelings too. they can feel hurt, sad, happy, annoyed not only you have those feelings. everyone needs someone to talk to about sad things, happy things, things that excite them, random things not only you need those things. so when you need someone to talk to you asking people to talk to you but when someone wants to talk about how their day you just focus and stick on your phone like there's no tomorrow you keep ignoring them. doesnt mean they dont open up with you how they felt about your action, you can continuously treat them like they dont have feelings. maybe they just dont know how to open up with you because in the end of the day you would be posting some depressive things about how you have been hurt by others. you must be thinking that only you have that kind of feeling and desire, right?...